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Being able to provide the best possible education, childcare and upbringing for each child is an opportunity and a challenge at the same time.

Quality doesn’t just happen – it is a result of careful, systematic and joint reflective and learning processes.

Relationships and interaction

The relationships and interaction between the childcare professionals, parents and children have a special place in our daycare centres. The aim is to build trust – as trust contributes to a sustainable relationship and this forms the foundation for every pedagogic activity.

Parents are the experts as far as their children are concerned. We work in tandem with parents on a basis of mutual appreciation and respect. We see ourselves as partners in the children’s upbringing and education.  

The settling-in-process (PDF, 113 KB) is given particular attention and is individually planned to suit the needs of each child.

Bild zu Sprache und Kommunikation

Stimulating environment, projects and activities

The daycare centres are a living space – this is where the children play and learn, move and relax, spend time with other children or find a quiet place for themselves, fall out and make up, celebrate together, eat and drink.  

We don’t design the rooms for, but with, the children. They have access both indoors and outdoors to different materials designed to enable various learning experiences. The play material appeals to all the senses, is clearly visible and easily obtainable.

The daily routine involves familiar rituals, free play, planned activities, and projects – but it is play that is given central importance.  

A kindergarten project and Forest Day are firm components of the kihz daycare centres’ annual programme.  

For particular activities and projects, topic boxes are available from the Administration Office filled with a wide range of pedagogical material.

Bild zu Umgebung, Sach- und Naturwissenschaften

Safety and health

All the basic conditions are fulfilled to ensure the health and safety of the children. We encourage a healthy way of life by closely following the children’s development in all areas, and by providing regular playtimes in the fresh air, sufficient rest and sleep, a balanced diet and carefully planned hygiene routines.

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Staff and qualifications

Openness and a respectful attitude towards the differences in people begins with the staff. To ensure that the day runs smoothly, we work with clear structures, encourage good communication and record all the day’s activities.

Various professional publications are available to all employees as a source of inspiration. An internal training programme offers employees at all levels the opportunity to share experiences and allows the development of common pedagogical values.

Staff development is supported with external professional training courses followed up by regularly held discussions on specialised topics and course contents.

Bild zu Sicherheit und Hygiene

Orientation from a theory-based reference framework

The kihz foundation has compiled its own comprehensive and theoretically sound concepts and manuals which form the reference framework for its pedagogical work. These are subject to constant revision: the pedagogical mission statement and the pedagogical concept (PDF, 397 KB) are regularly checked for relevance and adjusted if necessary.

The internally organised training programme takes the overall concept as its theme, ensuring that all pedagogical staff remain familiar with the contents.

Kihz works in accordance with standards such as the Orientierungsrahmen (netzwerk kinderbetreuung and UNESCO), the Krippen- und Kindergartenskala von Wolfgang Tietze or the Qualitätsentwicklungsbereiche von Quali-Label (Kibesuisse and Jacobs Foundation).

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A wider perspective through evaluation

Best pedagogical practice is geared to stakeholder needs and can be measured using scientifically recognised standards (surveys taken amongst staff and parents, parents’ associations,  Pädquis based on Tietze, QualiKita).

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Daycare Centres