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Visit a Daycare Centre

For interested parents

Placing your child in a daycare centre is a big step for all concerned. It is therefore all the more important that you can see your child’s second home for yourself.

You are invited to visit our facilities, talk to our staff and find out all you need to know about the allocation process. You will also be given a short tour of the building and garden.

Visit by appointment

Please arrange your visit by appointment with the manager of your preferred kihz Daycare centre.

kihz Daycare centre Managemment Contact
kihz Bülachhof Marisa Panigazzi / Inthuja Yogendran 043 333 49 80
kihz Chriesbach Sarah Graf

058 765 56 60

kihz Feyerabend Joy Müller / Sergül Bilgin 044 633 01 56
kihz Hönggerberg Michelle Grohmann / Sena Sezer 044 633 39 15
kihz Oerlikon
(only UZH members)
Sandra Koch 044 344 44 88
kihz Platten Pauline Tchouboukov / Christoph Wolfer 044 634 50 27
kihz Schönberg Nina Wüst / Pascale Schärer 044 634 40 27
kihz Sumatra Jacqueline Varga /
Ariane Piguet
044 634 63 50
kihz Tierspital* Dominique Riner / Dejana Vidovic 044 350 19 66

* Due to renovation work, it is currently not possible to visit kihz Tierspital, but the video and the slideshow give an impression of the daycare centre. Parents who are interested in a childcare place are also welcome to make an appointment to get to know the head of the daycare centre, the team and the day-to-day life at kihz Tierspital.

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Daycare Centres